Practice & Learn Python
Lessons on python from the basics to advanced. Work on practice problems and go to Lockheed CodeQuest competitions.
Gain Cyber Security Skills
Learn Cyber skills and methodology. Go to Cyber Lunch competitions, Cyber Quest, and Capture The Flag competitions.
Learn to Use Unity and C#
Learn how to use C# and Unity game engine to create video games. Learn the development process and take part in club Game Jams competitions.
Practice HTML, CSS and JS
Learn how to create your own websites. Lesson on HTML, CSS, and JS for website development and practice design process.
OG website developer, systems administrator (mail server and Cloudflare maintenance), maker of things
Teaches Python, event planner, manages social media with Alejandro.
Does game development in Unity, and also codes in Python.
Record-keeping, photography
Use your skills learn in Python to answer coding challeges, at Lockheed Martin
Learn the ropes of cyber security, use your knowledge to face cyber challeges base on hold field
A CTF, (Capture The Flag) with your learn skill in offensive cyber security practice ethical hacking
Practice your creative by create a tool, with limit in budget and dimensional limits
Earn the opportunity to create a themed game with your team.
Colonial Coders is a club dedicated to helping students interested in a technology related career expand their network and learn new skills.
By pressing the Join button, or attending meeting held Tuesday and Thursday, room 6-213, 2:30pm to 4:30pm once club starts
You gain opportunities to meet professions and gain internships
No worries, we will teach you form the grounds up
It is recommend, if can't we do 1 on 1s. No one gets left behind